WALL CRAWLING MOVEMENT: Watch the creepy-crawly motion of the Wallcrawler robot toy as it crawls across the floor and climbs up walls, just like a real gecko! Scare your family and...
This 5-in-1 Weather Station will allow anyone to measure weather elements like temperature, wind and rain – wherever you are and record changes in the seasons. An instruction manual is...
Learn about thrust, acceleration and jet propulsion as you launch your Liquifly Deluxe Rocket up to 30 metres into the air! Your Liquifly rocket flies using the power or water...
Features(1) Moves Like a real Boat: These Robo Boats race through water just like real life speed boats! Features (2) Water Activated: Simply place the Robo Boat in water to...
Zoom in on life under a microscope with this microscope set.Includes 1 x 6.125 MICROSCOPE WITH 100X 200X 450X 5 x COVER SLIPS 10 x BLANK LABELS 4 x BLANK...
Product Description Exclusive authorized version of "Star Walk 2" included Power: 25/50; lens diameter: 40 mm; focal length: 500 mm; eyepiece: 20 mm, 10 mm Diagonal mirror included STEM Training...
Spark your creativity! Have fun making your paper beads, pressed flower art pieces and learning the ancient technique of paper making with this all-in-one, environmentally-friendly science craft kit. Learn how...
Fast-Paced Fun, Open-Ended Design and Infinite Creativity! Get ready for racing fun with the GraviTrax Starter Set! The 100-piece set provides you with everything you need to get started and...
Have some fierce fun with this do-it-yourself, multifunctional armoured Tyrannosaurus Rex. Build your very own armoured dinosaur robot ready for battle. Watch Tyrannosaurus Rex?s blades swing whilst walking along. It?s...
Have some fierce fun with this do-it-yourself, multifunctional armoured Triceratops. Build your very own armoured dinosaur robot ready for battle. Watch the Triceratops ' neck shield swing whilst walking along...
Discover the amazing science behind hydraulic power! Water is all you need to power this multi-axis robot! Contains 4 Handles, 1 Handle Cover, 1 Left Claw, 1 Right Claw, 2...
Originally patented by Nikola Tesla in 1894 following his experiments with high voltage currents, the plasma ball is a colourful way of observing electrical discharges. Control the filaments using your...
Revolting Science is a gross science kit that allows kids to explore the fascinating world of bacteria with hands-on experiments. Featuring easy-to-follow instructions and high-quality materials, it is an ideal...
Prepare for an electrifying clash with the Silverlit Robo Kombat Spin Battle 2 Pack! Step into the arena with Robo Kombat Spin and experience robot fighting like never before. These...
Introducing the Discovery Retro Vending Machine Build Kit - a captivating and educational DIY robot vending machine designed to spark curiosity and imagination! Watch as your child assembles a unique...
Bring play to life with ROBO ALIVEs lifelike robotic lizard. Advanced robotic technology allows this little reptile to move it's eyes and tongue. It even runs like a real lizard!...
A revolutionary water blaster kit that features five different forms while offering a hands-on STEAM learning experience. Ergonomically designed to fit into the hands of kids and adults alike, this...
Have some fierce fun with this do-it-yourself, wind-up armoured Velociraptor. Build your very own armoured dinosaur robot ready for battle. Innovative construction design with no screwdriver required. For ages 8...
Unleash boundless flexibility of a claw or eel head in every move with this fun, easily-controlled flexible arm! Build it yourself and then effortlessly operate it with unparalleled flexibility. Make...
Unleash your inner detective with this sketch slide projector identikit. Dive into the thrilling world of solving mysteries as you piece together the face of a suspect, one slide at...
Dig and explore the amazing wonders of the world! Make learning fun! Perfect for sharing and having fun with friends! The kit contains 7 digging blocks, 7 digging brushes, 7...
Dig and explore the mysterious dragon world with your very own golden dragon egg! Uncover twelve mythical dragons in each egg. Kit includes a golden dragon egg, digging tools, an...
Have some fierce fun with this do-it-yourself, multifunctional armoured Giantraptor. Build your very own armoured dinosaur robot ready for battle. Watch Giantraptor's upper limbs swing whilst walking along. It?s wings...
Build your own Hydraulic Cyborg Hand and experience the fun of a cyborg world! This fun, wearable device can be used perfectly by either right-handed or left-handed users, due to...
With 4M detective fingerprint kit learn how detectives identify suspects and record important clues found at the scene of a crime. Record, collect, and identify finger prints using super dusting...
Meet V-Bot, your friendly motorised 5-in-1 robo pal, who responds with beeps and boops! V-Bot comes with 17 parts with 5 possible configurations! Assemble V-Bot together and watch how he...