Polar bears live in the Arctic, where temperatures can sometimes drop to -50 degrees. The polar bear therefore has black skin under its white fur, which optimally stores the heat...
In order to become the leader of the pack, lions must win a duel. The larger their mane, the more respect they are shown by their rival. But not only...
Koala bears are quite the sleepy heads. They spend about 14 hours each day taking extensive naps. The rest of the time, they are busy eating eucalyptus leaves. They consume...
The Indian rhinoceros lives in Northeast India. Its thick folds of skin make it unmistakable, as though it were wearing thick armour. Contrary to its African relatives, however, it is...
White-tailed does can see and hear very well, but rely mainly on their sense of smell and their speed. They are very agile and can sprint up to 48 km/h....
White-tailed fawns have lots of small white spots on their fur. These serve as camouflage, since the dots make them harder to spot in high grass. When its mother is...
The lynx is best known for the striking tufts of hair on its ears. These do not protect the ears of this predatory cat from the cold, but actually help...
With lions, it is almost exclusively the females that go hunting. Many of their prey are faster than they are, so these predators first creep up to a few meters...
Raccoons are small but intelligent predatory animals. They learn very quickly and have a good memory. They are active at night, when they feed on small animals such as insects,...
Tarantulas are among the largest spiders in the world. In contrast to many other spiders, they do not spin a web, but lay in wait for their prey - especially...
Hippos spend most of their lives in the rivers and lakes of their African homeland. Calves are often born in water and suckled underwater! Interestingly enough, hippos are still very...
Red pandas are very rare animals that mainly live in the dense bamboo forests of China. With her bushy tail, friendly face and pricked ears, this one looks really adorable!...
Wombats are small marsupials that live on the Australian continent. Their body shape doesn’t make them look agile but they can be surprisingly fast. When they’re not grazing the small...
Reindeer live in the cold regions of North America, Europe and North Asia. Their special feature is the rod-like antlers that both males and females carry. Their hooves are also...
Snow leopards are very shy animals that live in the inaccessible mountains of Central Asia. They have a thick coat that protects them from the freezing cold. The bushy tail...
Did you know that platypuses only live in eastern Australia? They lay eggs, similar to birds. Once baby platypuses have hatched, they drink their mother's milk, which is why they are classified...
Badgers can weigh up to 15 kilograms and look a bit like little bears. Adult badgers can grow up to a metre long. They spend the day in their large burrows...
Warthogs originated in Africa and feed on berries, tubers, and roots. Warthogs have thick skin and fierce tusks that they use to protect themselves from predators. Ages: 3+ Size: 8.2 x 2.7...
Anteaters are solitary creatures, so they only meet up during mating season. After about 190 days, only one baby is born. At birth, babies weigh 1.1 to 1.6 kg and only...
The fur of the proboscis monkey is yellowish-brown on top and white on the underside of the body. Their arms, legs, and tail are grey. Proboscis monkeys reach a length of 60...
Vultures are large to very large birds of prey that feed mainly on animal carcasses. There are several families and subfamilies of these birds. Ages: 3+ Size: 6.1 x 3.7 x...
Did you know that the tapir is related to horses, rhinos and pigs? The shy animal is a loner who feels at home in the forest and water. If he doesn't feel...
A young tapir moves carefully through the thicket. His striped pattern will be lost over time. In return, the animal puts on a lot of weight. In the first few weeks, it might...
The cute slow loris monkey can stay up as long as he wants. The nocturnal animal uses the darkness to hunt insects and small vertebrates. It moves slowly towards its prey and then...
A Puma is your perfect partner for fast races. The powerful wildcat can sprint at speeds of up to 70 km/h! She also cuts a fine figure in a high jump and...
Is that a dragon in the bedroom? The iguana is related to lizards and snakes and actually looks a lot like the mythical beast. Only the wings are missing. Though he doesn't...
Although the emperor scorpion looks dangerous, it's not aggressive at all. The nocturnal crawling animal uses the cover of darkness for extensive exploration and, in the process, climbs over roots...
The chameleon is perfectly prepared for life in trees with its clawed feet and strong curly tail. So it can cling to branches with its body without being blown down...
The thick, scaly skin of the baby armored rhinoceros already looks a lot like its parents. But it doesn’t have a horn yet. That’s a good thing, actually, because otherwise...