White-tailed does can see and hear very well, but rely mainly on their sense of smell and their speed. They are very agile and can sprint up to 48 km/h. Fun fact: White-tailed does can jump 3 m high and 9 m long at a time.
Shire horses are the world's largest horses. These giant horses can measure more than 2 metres in height!
Fun Fact - Shire horses are gentle giants.
Age: 3+ yrs
Cats always land on their feet and cushion every impact. For this reason, they are assigned seven (in English-speaking countries even nine) lives. This specimen is black with snow-white details....
Cats are fascinating because of their graceful, lithe movements, their expressive eyes and their picture-perfect fur patterns. Fun Fact:Cats can hear much higher frequencies than dogs.
Suitable from 3 yrs+
The donkey is often said to be particularly stubborn. In reality, it is calm and can't be disturbed by external influences. Although the model's coat is grey, there are also...