ELECTRONIC BATTLESHIP GAME: The Electronic Battleship Reloaded game features sounds, lights, and special attacks that bring the battle to life.
LIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Step behind the control panel and into the action with voice commands, sound ef-fects, and lights! Players enter coordinates and press the fire button, sinking their opponent's fleet to win
QUICK AND EASY SET-UP: In this fun strategy game for kids, teens, and adults, players can customize the layout or use preset ship layouts that let them dive right into a game
CLASSIC AND ADVANCED MODE: Players can choose Classic Mode or Advanced Mode, which features special weapon pegs in addition to the red and green pegs
The original game of people, places and things is back with an all-new look, and all-new content for today’s audience! Originally launched in 1985, 20 Questions is University Games’ flagship...
A junior version of the popular party game, with all new questions and bonus time spaces. It seems like it would be easy to name 3 ice-cream flavours - but...
It's the fast talking description game! The king of 'what's-on-the-card?' games; the queen of against-the-clock gabbling and gesticulating; the prince of all-ages fun family get-togethers and the entire royal family...