Although this rabbit cannot fly with its large ears, it can hear quite well. It always knows when uninvited guests are approaching, then it hops back to its burrow with surprising speed.
Shire horses are the world's largest horses. These giant horses can measure more than 2 metres in height!
Fun Fact - Shire horses are gentle giants.
Age: 3+ yrs
Cats always land on their feet and cushion every impact. For this reason, they are assigned seven (in English-speaking countries even nine) lives. This specimen is black with snow-white details....
Cats are fascinating because of their graceful, lithe movements, their expressive eyes and their picture-perfect fur patterns. Fun Fact:Cats can hear much higher frequencies than dogs.
Suitable from 3 yrs+
The donkey is often said to be particularly stubborn. In reality, it is calm and can't be disturbed by external influences. Although the model's coat is grey, there are also...