Get all you need to play in this great value set, featuring everything from the Baby Castle Nursery, Sunshine Nursery Bus and Baby Castle Playground sets, along with Milk Rabbit mother and Toy Poodle baby, both in special outfits. Baby Castle Nursery is a nursery school with plenty of playtime for babies to attend. Change the direction of the building to change the size of the room and front garden. Attach the slide from this set to Sunshine Nursery Bus and have fun sliding from the second floor of the nursery school into the pool. Place Baby Castle Playground on the second floor to create a large, castle-like nursery school. Stimulates imaginative role-playing for children.
The Ice Cream Van set contains over 30 colourful and delicious-looking ice creams and accessories. The ice cream van has a pastel pink colour and a charming rabbit design. Figures...
Sylvanian Families 5709 - Baby's Toy Box set has everything Baby Snow Rabbit and Baby Panda need for their play date. It comes with two figures, a toy box, a...
The Rainbow Fun Nursery Bus is a triple-decker nursery bus that seats 28 babies (including cradled babies). The bus folds out into a fun play area for the babies. The...
Kabe and Breeze Chocolate Rabbit twins love riding in their carriage. The carriage is large so the twins can ride together. They enjoy it when their Father takes them outside...